Usicayos Gold Project

Palamina has participation in 7 projects in the Puno Orogenic Gold Belt

100% interest
10,812 hectares
Department of Puno, south-eastern Peru

*  Completed prior to renaming of project on July 9, 2021


The Usicayos Gold Project was acquired primarily through staking to explore a geologic environment interpreted to be similar to that of the Ollachea, La Rinconada and Crucero orogenic gold deposits. Usicayos is not subject to any NSR or onerous future payments to any vendors or optionors. Usicayos is located along the southern edge of the Puno Orogenic Gold Belt (“POGB”) with a structural environment similar to those associated with the Ollachea and La Rinconada gold deposits to the northeast and southwest.  

All of these gold deposits are focused along structurally deformed east-west trending ‘jog’ zones along an otherwise NW-SE structural trend of POGB structural boundary. The mineralized surface footprint at Usicayos is second only to La Rinconada. Mineralizing controls common to orogenic gold deposits are identified throughout the POGB. Members of Palamina’s geological team were part of the exploration discovery team at Ollachea and have extensive experience in the POGB.


The Usicayos Gold Project is located north of the town of Usicayos which is a 4 hour drive and 150 km north west of the city of Juliaca via paved and gravel roads. Juliaca is a local economic hub which hosts a domestic airport as well as many services which can support exploration at Usicayos. Palamina has a field office / core storage facility in Juliaca. Palamina’s field once in Juliaca is located 800m from Certimin’s prepratory assay lab. 

Elevations at Usicayos range from 2,800 to 4,700 metres. Access to the project is along dirt roads from the towns of Usicayos and Coasa to several points within the claim block. From these points, exploration is undertaken on foot or by horse along river valleys or footpaths to access mineralized targets. Due to the elevation, rock exposure is generally excellent as the property sits above the tree line with sharp rocky ridges at the highest elevations, which give way to high alluvial terraces and narrow canyons at lower elevations.


The Usicayos property captures a 22 km long section of deformation corridor hosting numerous discrete shear zones. These are believed to be intimately associated with the extension of regional shear structures controlling gold mineralization at the Crucero gold project located 4.5 km south of the Usicayos Project’s south-eastern boundary. At Usicayos, Palamina has identified 3 significant gold zones. From west to east the Sol de Oro, Cayos & Veta zones are know areas of gold mineralization within the same SW NE trend. To date Palamina has completed 6 diamond drill holes in the Veta Zone

Lithology, structure, sulphide mineralization and intrusive bodies similar to those identified at Ollachea have been identified at Usicayos Shear zones are concentrated along relatively weak horizons, especially along organic-rich black shales principally of the Late-Silurian/Early Devonian Ananea Formation. 

Sol de Oro, Cayos & Veta discovery zones:

Geological mapping, surface and channel sampling has resulted in the discovery of a 4.5 km by 1.5 km anomalous gold trend made up of the Sol de Oro, Cayos and Veta gold zones. Multiple visible native-gold hosted in shale horizons have now been discovered by prospecting in newly defined areas where limited informal mining has taken place. 

Select sampling results from the Cayos Zone to the North east have returned up to 30.5 g/t Au over 3m in a continuous channel sample. In the Veta Zone select sampling has returned up to 620 g/t Au (19.9 oz/t Au) from an outcropping quartz vein and continuous channel sampling has returned up to 90.3 g/t Au over 1.3m. These results, along with heliborne geophysical survey work and a comprehensive structural study completed have played an important role in defining these 3 gold zones as priority drill target areas.

The two most recent campaigns of mapping and rock sampling focused on the newly acquired Sol de Oro (“SDO”) area, approximately 1.7 to 3 km’s southwest of the zone of earlier drilling in the Veta Zone. Reconnaissance mapping and sampling followed a series of mineralized deformation zones approximately 2.2 km to the east and northeast. Host rocks are variably metamorphosed Middle Paleozoic Ananea siltstones and shales intruded by thin sills of fine-grained diorite. Airborne magnetic surveys suggest the area is underlain at depth by a younger, larger intrusive body with a similar orientation.

Within the corridors of focused deformation mineralization occurs within thin, white to grey quartz veins containing pyrite, arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite. These veins can be either thin grey veins that are folded or boudinage and weakly folded or straight extensional veins of white quartz with pyrite. Visible gold was observed in both types and within boxworks in areas of weathering. Vein and veinlet frequencies range from 2 to 10m ; best mineralization occurs in grey quartz within “mantos”, parallel to bedding/schistosity, while cross-cutting veins are barren.

At Usicayos each of the major gold mineralized zones is hosted in Ananea Formation shales and mudstones and controlled by shear zones in a flower structure pattern developed by regional thrusting. The structure at the SDO Zone is currently the widest section identified on the property, with an approximate 1.5 km width versus the 0.25 km width drill tested at the Veta Zone. Gold mineralization is found on both sides of the structure and mineralization dips steeply towards the centre. Four mineralized gold systems have been identified at SDO that are structurally well defined and continuous at surface, three at SDO South and one at SDO north.

In 2022 sampling from SDO South returned up to 200 g/t gold over 0.9m from a chip sample, 3.4 g/t Au over 14.0 m from surface channel sampling and 23 g/t Au over 0.7 m from underground workings. SDO North returned up to 46.2 g/t Au from a rock sample, 5.1 g/t Au over 4.0m from surface channel sampling and 15.4 g/t Au over 2.7m from underground workings. SDO South West  returned up to 37.5 g/t Au over 1.8m and 1.4 g/t Au over 18.8m from surface channel sampling.  SDO East returned up to 18.9 g/t Au over 2m from surface channel sampling.

Select +5 g/t Au samples in white & yellow  

All 3 gold zones are associated with regional NNE-SSW broad radiometric and magnetic trends where the Cayos, Veta and Veta NE trend occur along the margin of an intrusive. These 3 zones are located within magnetic highs at the intersection of interpreted regional scale shear zones and SE to NE fault structures. Palamina continues to investigate the potential that Usicayos may host an intrusive related gold deposit as a portion of the gold mineralization identified to date is centered around an intrusive.


The Veta Zone occurs on the northeastern end of a 4.5 km long gold structure where the Sol de Oro and Cayos gold zones to the west have yet to be drill tested. In 2022/2023 Palamina completed 6 diamond drill holes over a total of 2,081 metres (‘m’) in the Veta Zone. Drilling tested below the entire 800 metre long gold-bearing quartz vein system exposed at surface where two of five holes returned visible gold intercepts. A total of 6 diamond drill holes were completed; Drill hole VE-01-2021 returned 1m @ 1.26 g/t Au, VE-02-2021 1m @ 3.09 g/t Au (visible gold in intercept), VE-03-2021 24m @ 0.5 g/t Au, VE-04-2021 11m @ 0.8 g/t Au, VE-05-2022 4m @ 0.67 g/t Au (visible gold in intercept) and VE-06-2022 11m @ 0.68 g/t Au.

No further drilling at the Veta Zone is planned at this time. The Company is continuing field work in the newly acquired Sol de Oro and Cayos Zones to include detailed sampling and mapping with a view to further drill testing. Select check assays on core samples from the Veta Zone drilling is also underway. The drill remains at site where the Sol de Oro and Cayos Zones are the next zones scheduled to be drilled. 

Palamina has completed the modification of its DIA (Declaración de Impacto Ambiental) to drill in the Sol de Oro and Cayo gold zones southwest of the Veta Zone. Under the current DIA Palamina can build a total of 40 drill pads where 5 drill pads have been completed to date.

Palamina is working with Goldspot Discoveries to enhance our understanding of the Puno Orogenic Gold Belt and the Usicayos Gold Project. Goldspot provide machine learning and the latest technological tools to better understand and interpret data to enhance geological decision making. Goldspot acquired an equity interest in Palamina in June of 2021.
