Palamina Copper Silver Projects SE Peru:  Cristel, Sora, Volcano, Galena

Cristel Copper Tin Silver Project

3,500 HECTARES titled & under application

Cristel is located in the San Rafael district of southern Peru, which hosts one of the largest operating tin mines in the world. Cristel is part of Palamina’s battery metal acquire and hold strategy.

Overview, Infrastructure & Geology

The Cristel copper-tin-silver project is located in the San Rafael mining district in south-eastern Peru, within the Department of Puno, at an elevation of ~4,500 metres. The project lies approximately 170km north of the city of Juliaca and 30km north of Minsur´s giant San Rafael tin-copper mine, the world´s fourth largest tin producer. Minsur’s current measured and indicated resources at San Rafael are 7.6Mt at a grade of 2.93% and an additional inferred resource of 2.5Mt at a grade of 2.06% Sn (Minsur, annual report 2023). Minsur is actively exploring this belt, advancing several near mine and brownfields projects in the belt. Palamina has a field office in Juliaca where access to the project is a 3.5 hour drive by highway then dirt road. 

Palamina acquired the Cristel concessions through staking to cover a large colour anomaly located within this prolific metallogenic belt. The Cristel area was drilled in the late 2000’s by Consorcio Minero Horizonte, a local Peruvian mining company, chasing after tin-copper mineralization similar to San Rafael. The four holes completed targeted geophysical anomalies along the eastern flank of the anomaly where the drilling program was cut short due to budget constraints.

Palamina has identified a large 2 x 2 km colour anomaly at Cristel, consisting of argillic and advanced argillic “ribs” cutting through monzonite intrusive and Paleozoic country rock, often hosting hydrothermal breccias with visible copper and silver oxide mineralization.

Limited sampling (8 rock chips) by Palamina geologists has found anomalous copper and gold results from the altered intrusion, with values up to 4.4% Cu, 0.6 g/t Au and 24.7 g/t Ag.

Palamina has not conducted any drilling in the Cristel claims. During 2024, Palamina plans to carry out systematic rock chip sampling and detailed mapping to better define the alteration areas and determine the extent of the geochemical anomaly. Based on the results obtained, Palamina plans to start the baseline environmental work to obtain an initial drill permit at Cristel during 2025.